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This Geldenhuys genealogical listing is the most comprehensive yet published in South Africa. Twelfth generations of the family have now emigrated to New Zealand, where quite a few Geldenhuys families are now established there.

The listing appears on the next page (click on the index, on the left). Names and families not yet identified in the genealogical listing, have been added right at the end - pending further information coming to light.

The 'My Heritage' (regret - presently inoperative) website started by Preller Geldenhuys, and titled after his youngest granddaughter (Lucy Hope Geldenhuys), currently lists over 1380 names and more than 440 families that are related to Geldenhuys. The My Heritage site incorporated a 'Find' facility which may be found very useful for tracing purposes.

A second genealogy site - Preller Geldenhuys - which includes a Preller genealogical listing, has recently been started.

Please note that several books are available for purchase.

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